Attachment B
EOI Summary and Assessment Form
EOI submitted on:
Assessed by:
Brief Background
Include the reason why clinic is requesting to be part of panel and if there are any current M5
Please also check PP spreadsheet ADD2020/5937538 to identify if clinic was previously part of the
panel and been removed. Identify reason of removal by visiting the clinic file.
Country Background
Internal/External factors prevailing in the country as this will help provide an overview what the
current panel clinics are currently experiencing. Examples; Is the country experiencing enhanced
measures (e.g curfews) due to current security situation which could affect their operating hours of
our panel clinics? Are there any current outbreaks such as covid, malaria, dengue, Marburg virus,
etc.? These factors could potentially place the current panel clinics in challenging situations and put
some pressure on their clinic operations
Our department has a database of country of information which can be accessed on CISNET -
Overview of Existing Panel Clinics
Please write your observations here
Submission Rates
The submission rates in all xxxxx panel clinics are all within service standards/not within service standards
Copy and paste results from Enterprise Reporting – Panel Scorecards (Select country and then enter
16 on WHO incidence rating)
For Official Use Only
Panel Clinic Operations (ADD2020/718652)
Please write your observations here. If not current, please send panel clinic operations update
Country IME volumes
Please write your observations here
Copy and paste results from Enterprise Reporting - eMedical Cases Submitted
& Autoclearance %
Complaints register (ADD2019/860541)
Please write your observations here
Country file (indicate here the specific TRIM file)
Please write your observations here after checking relevant country files for any outstanding issues
Existing clinic files (ADD2020/5937538)
Please write your observations here after checking all relevant clinic files for any outstanding issues
Post Update
If you see ongoing trends and issues identified from above, you may also consider writing to the
overseas post.
Ask the overseas post if they are aware of any delays and whether they have received complaints
and what their projection for visas might look like in the new financial year (NFY).
These days we are receiving multiple EOIs and some are coming from Information packs shared by
the post in stakeholder meetings. So it is always better to involve posts in reaching a decision
regarding empanelling new clinics especially when we have choices of multiple locations/clinics in a
Please write your recommendations here
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Action Items
Action taken
Trim EOI in the Country file
Supported by Post – NAME (Yes/No/Not requested)
Acknowledgement email sent to clinic
Update the EOI spreadsheet
Completion of EOI Summary assessment form and saved in country file
Recommendation presented to APS6
Outcome of EOI assessment sent to clinic and saved in country file
For Official Use Only
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